Posted February 1, 2016
The Fashion Institute of Technology’s (FIT’s) Center for Continuing and Professional Studies, in association with WDA Brand Marketing Solutions, will host a town hall meeting titled, “The Re-shoring of Textile, Apparel & Fashion Manufacturing: Why U.S. & Italian Brands are Coming Home,” on February 8.
The event will take place at the FIT’s Katie Murphy Amphitheatre in New York.
CEOs and owners of small and mid-size fashion-related businesses, CFOs, VPs of sourcing and manufacturing and supply chain management, COOs, brand managers and apparel and textile equipment manufacturers are encouraged to attend. Cost is $60.
A panel discussion will cover these topics:
Why the U.S. and Italy are leading the way in re-shoring;
What product categories are best candidates for success?;
What are the hidden and accelerating costs of off-shoring? and
What manufacturing business models are best for success?
Panelists include:
Dr. Mike Fralix, president & CEO of [TC]²;
Gian Mario Borney, senior strategy advisor/Global Fashion Unit, TEH Ambrosetti of Italy; and
Barbara Zeins, president & COO of Gerson & Gerson.
Bill D’Arienzo, principal with WDA Brand Marketing Solutions, will moderate.
For more information or to register, click here.
FIT, WDA to host town hall on textile/apparel re-shoring